Hiding in the Spotlight

Monologues of a Bipolar Mama


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I love this dialogue From The Secret Garden spoken right before the song “Wick”:

“The garden is dead, Dickon.
It’s the most forgotten place I have ever seen
With loose great branches
And dead roots and leaves all tangled up on the ground.”
“Now did you take a real close look at anything?
Mary, the strongest roses will thrive on being neglected
If the soil is rich enough.”

So what does this have to do with mental illness? Everything. Depression can make people feel lifeless, abandoned, disconnected, confused, trampled, just like the appearance of the garden.  It often takes tremendous strength, courage, and persistence to keep going. And yet we do. Why is that? Because we are stronger than we realize and we become stronger with each new test. Though it may hold us back, deprive us of our basic wants and needs, and trample our dreams, each time we dig deep and find our own rich soil, that foundation of inner strength and hope that allows us to grow and thrive.

Maybe it’s late and I’m just babbling, but when I heard these lines today while I was driving in my car, I found them so inspiring and applicable that I couldn’t help but share. Now, go listen to “Wick” from The Secret Garden and try not to feel a sense of hope. I dare you.

Author: Christina

Just as an actress puts on make up, a costume, and a smile, so must someone who is suffering from mental illness. I'm a married mother of two (ages 5, 13). I've been teaching English for 15 years and I directed the plays and advised the drama club for many years. I've always struggled with depression but a couple of years ago, I experienced my first mental breakdown. It was then that I was diagnosed with bipolar. Through this blog, I hope to create a supportive community for those battling and learning to live with mental illness. As they say in theatre, "the show must go on."

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